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The Right Home and Wall Insulation for You

December 23, 2022

The Right Home and Wall Insulation for You

Insulation is vital to every space's success. Just like our old garden room, which was so cold in winter that paint would freeze and so hot during the summer that it was impossible to stand there for any length of time. Today's post is very practical about choosing the right home and wall insulation.

Let's begin with insulation basics.

Types of Insulation

You will typically have two options if you're a homeowner: fiberglass insulation, which is what we ended with, and spray foam insulation, which we seriously considered.

These are the main differences. Spray foam insulation should only be installed by experts. It forms a tight seal between exterior walls and studs. It is simply sprayed into the cavity 1-inch at a stretch and then layered. The foam then sets in place. To achieve a high R-value, the average exterior wall will need approximately 3 inches of spray foam.

Fiberglass insulation takes less time to install. It could take just over an hour. It's also easier to work with. It is still important to use a mask and ensure the studs fit tightly. Fiberglass insulation is generally a little more expensive than spray foam.

What should the R-value be for exterior walls?

R-value measures how well a space is protected against heat loss and heat transfer. For context, the old outside garden room had insulation. However, it was R11, the minimum R-value, and it was not properly installed. There were large gaps in the insulation, and the insulation wasn't thick.

This meant that the space was not getting enough insulation. Do we recommend R11 insulation for exterior walls or not? It might be okay if the shed is in a garden. You shouldn't if you intend to live in the space or use it for an extended time.

Current codes call for residential homes to have R18 or better. With fiberglass insulation, you could achieve this between the studs. The ceiling space is just as important as the floor when installing insulation.

Here are some things to remember when you're thinking about insulating exterior walls:

R11 insulation should never be used around windows. In smaller areas, it is nearly ineffective. It is best to increase the thickness of the product or to switch to a product with a higher R-value.

Sealing cracks around outlets on exterior walls is also a must. This is where heat and air transfer can be very high.

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